Writing Services


When offering to write digital content I see Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as vital to customer service. 


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial in this digital information world. There are millions of companies competing to be the top result when a search query is typed into the search bar. As you know, most of us don’t go past the first two pages to find our answer.

Some large digital publishing companies have entire departments that implement SEO.

Some do not. That’s where I come in. As a nurse content writer, I write content that will

  •  drive traffic to the page.
  • convince Google that the page is suitable for its rankings.
  • engage the reader.

Evidence that my Nurse Writer title will find relevance with Google.

Google and other search engines strive to deliver the most relevant results for the best user experience. Google uses the concept of Experience-Expertise-Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) to evaluate if search rankings are providing helpful, relevant information.

As a nurse, I inherently possess expertise and authoritativeness, and nursing has been rated the most trustworthy profession. The addition of experience solidifies that nurses are the best resources to write about health; they offer the most value from first-hand experience.

Merging Content Creation with SEO.

There are several principles that, when merged into content creation, can greatly increase the chances of clicks to that web page.

  • Keyword Use- Some say they are the entire foundation for SEO. Discovering those keywords closely related to businesses that already rank high is necessary. It’s essential to write about topics people are searching for.  Multiple keyword research tools can help solve these questions, identify search demand, and understand the traffic potential for a keyword.


  • By reviewing the top-ranking results for a query, I can determine the content type and format that I need to use which is also called the searcher's intent. Content types might include blog posts, product pages, category pages, and landing pages. The content format might include how-to guides, step-by-step tutorials, list posts, opinion editorials, reviews, or comparisons. I can also determine the top-ranking pages' content angle or a unique selling point.


  • Finally, I create click-worthy headlines and content that grabs the audience’s attention on a personal level. Using my knowledge and expertise on the subject, I will create easy-to-understand bites of information. I will include headings and subheadings judicially using keywords while avoiding walls of text.